Friday, September 9, 2011

Welcome to the 21st Century

Friends and loved ones (and no, we do not mean our nonexistent boyfriends),

We bring you tidings of great joy, which shall be for all people:

It's okay to be single.

Read it again. Drink it in.

As two single women active in a Christian community, we've felt the pressure to date anyone with legs and an Adam's apple. At times, we feel we are receiving mixed messages from society, peers, and mentors:
1. Be strong, independent women, because men will only drag you down,
2. Finding a boyfriend is part of the sanctification process.

Both of these are false.
So as two single women active in a Christian community, we're working towards a healthy balance: content with singleness, yet prepared for the relationships God may bring into our lives (romantic or otherwise).

In this blog, we will explore common falsehoods about romance, cultural stereotypes that prevent healthy relationships, and the true essence of purity.
We'll also have plenty of fun--chick flick reviews, mustache Mondays, et. cetera--because relationships are funny business.

Join us in our journey. Take the road less traveled. Dare to dream. Read our blog.
It'll be fantastic...or at least amusing. So grab your t.v. dinners and stay tuned!

Becca and Kelley

"The only difference between dating and courtship is that if you date, you have a boyfriend. If you court, you have a beau. Who even has beaux anymore?" -A friend


  1. Yeah! Count me as your first follower... Does that make me the leader of your fan club? -Cori

  2. oh my word... i love this post!! you guys are hilarious and insightful :) i will be stalking your blog from now on ;) <3 arielle

  3. What about when Dr. Williford told all of us at SLR that the key to being a good leader was to marry the right person? I'm uncomfortable at this rebellion against authority.
